Marketing diary of a new self-published author day 7 of 1095
I’m keeping this diary to monitor my progress and success from self-published author with not many sales to international publishing phenomenon. I am advised by the gurus who I have begun studying that this will take about 3 years (1095 days). This is day 7.
Where am I so far? I am immersing myself in the lessons and good practice of aficionados such as Joanna Penn (How To Market a Book); John Locke (How I sold 1 million e books in 5 months); and Michael Alvear (Make a Killing on Kindle).
I never imagined the community was so large or so well organised with its own etiquette and culture. I’ve learned that ‘you only get out what you put in’ and am busy learning how to tweet and have a presence on Good Reads.
My latest bed time reading is ‘How to Twitter’ by Stacey Myers. I’m beginning my first tentative steps into this rather daunting environment. I have 24 followers already. Apologies followers if you get some odd tweets from me. I may not have the etiquette quire right yet.
I’m excited by Michael Campbell – Scott’s book, ‘Goodreads for Authors’. I signed up for Goodreads almost a year ago but then did nothing. I’ve achieved 2 reviews and 3 ratings (4.33) but could obviously do better. I am now beginning to realise that like most marketing opportunities it needs time and commitment.
In this early stage of my global marketing strategy, I want to do some things that will hopefully make an immediate impact (although understandably small). So I’ve registered with KUF forum and signed up for ‘free book of the day’ on two days in December and two listing highlights in January. OK, so this won’t earn me money. In fact it’s cost me 28 quid (pounds to colleagues from North America). But it would be nice to see some action on those Amazon report pages rather than just ‘greyed out’ ‘no sales to report’ boxes. Any way – very excited about the promotions and will report back on the results.
Good news is that I still get great reviews on Wattpad (418132 downloads and 13,140 followers.) Great for the ego but rubbish for the bank balance.
The other great lesson is to plan my marketing well in advance. I’m launching my second novel at the beginning of April and with the help of all you kind people out there providing guidance and advice, I intend to hit the buffers running. (Perhaps that’s the wrong metaphor)
Best Regards , Roger Penfound
I’m keeping this diary to monitor my progress and success from self-published author with not many sales to international publishing phenomenon. I am advised by the gurus who I have begun studying that this will take about 3 years (1095 days). This is day 7.
Where am I so far? I am immersing myself in the lessons and good practice of aficionados such as Joanna Penn (How To Market a Book); John Locke (How I sold 1 million e books in 5 months); and Michael Alvear (Make a Killing on Kindle).
I never imagined the community was so large or so well organised with its own etiquette and culture. I’ve learned that ‘you only get out what you put in’ and am busy learning how to tweet and have a presence on Good Reads.
My latest bed time reading is ‘How to Twitter’ by Stacey Myers. I’m beginning my first tentative steps into this rather daunting environment. I have 24 followers already. Apologies followers if you get some odd tweets from me. I may not have the etiquette quire right yet.
I’m excited by Michael Campbell – Scott’s book, ‘Goodreads for Authors’. I signed up for Goodreads almost a year ago but then did nothing. I’ve achieved 2 reviews and 3 ratings (4.33) but could obviously do better. I am now beginning to realise that like most marketing opportunities it needs time and commitment.
In this early stage of my global marketing strategy, I want to do some things that will hopefully make an immediate impact (although understandably small). So I’ve registered with KUF forum and signed up for ‘free book of the day’ on two days in December and two listing highlights in January. OK, so this won’t earn me money. In fact it’s cost me 28 quid (pounds to colleagues from North America). But it would be nice to see some action on those Amazon report pages rather than just ‘greyed out’ ‘no sales to report’ boxes. Any way – very excited about the promotions and will report back on the results.
Good news is that I still get great reviews on Wattpad (418132 downloads and 13,140 followers.) Great for the ego but rubbish for the bank balance.
The other great lesson is to plan my marketing well in advance. I’m launching my second novel at the beginning of April and with the help of all you kind people out there providing guidance and advice, I intend to hit the buffers running. (Perhaps that’s the wrong metaphor)
Best Regards , Roger Penfound