Number of sales – 12
Ok, so it’s not gone viral but sales are rising and I’m getting more organised with my marketing strategy now. I’ve got 3 reviews on the Amazon Kindle site and the book is rated 4 stars and a bit. I’ve also persuaded 2 of my readers to join a select group who will read my next novel as I’m writing it and feedback to me as I go along. There’s information about the new novel on my web site As with my first novel – the new one is based on a ‘true’ and remarkable story that I’ve grown up with. I will use literary license to embellish the story for dramatic effect. If you would like to read sample chapters as I write the book, let me know via the comments box and I will welcome you with open arms to this select group. I am not seeking anodyne praise. I want you to be honest about your thoughts so that I can fine tune and hone the story as it is being written.
So about this marketing. Well I’ve had my ‘social media consultant’ (pretty posh ay) here today to help me make sense of twitter, facebook and the rest. His advice was to focus on twitter first as he felt that it offered the best scope for reaching a wide market fast. He’s set me up with a canny bit of software called TweetAdder which manages my account. It miraculously searches for people with matching interests. I’ve used tags like reading, self publish, author etc. It then lets me ‘follow’ their tweets and the hope is that they follow my tweets in return. It also sends out disembodied tweets from a data base at regular intervals from my account - like SOS messages from a mariner stranded in a life raft at sea ‘help help – is anybody out there?’ So far I’m following 132 people and I have 6 people following me. So hello if you’re following me. I feel a sort of responsibility now to say something purposeful in my tweets. Maybe next time – it’s getting a bit late now.